Friday, January 02, 2009

help boost our economy

it is good thing to see malaysians are still flocking to stalls, restaurants, shopping malls to spend money. the way to help our economy is by buying products or services offered. when money circulates more things can be done as oppose to when money is kept under the pillow. invest, but i don't think it is a good time to invest. money is better to be spent so that others can benefit from our money. when business makes profit, it will expand, when it expands, it will create more opportunities to many people.

spend money like there is no tomorrow, but at the same time, save some as if you are going to live forever and you are going to lose your income tomorrow.

when we believe that the economy is not sowing down, it will not, because at least somenone is still keeping it rolling. nevertheless, the most afected parties are those exporting most of their product overseas where people are beginning to lose faith on their economy. they stop buying things in fear of losing income.

when people are not spending, businesses will have low demand, low demand result in low profit which in turn will affect the survivability of the company. they may take drastic measures as slowing down production and letting go people because they do not need as many people to produce less goods. when more people are being laid off, less people are flocking down the street. more business will be affected. i hope this will not be happening in Malaysia. let us support our economy by spending more and more till you drop!

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