Saturday, November 22, 2008

economic recession

cyclical recession
1986, 1997 and 2008 - - - 2019

cyclical meaning that i will happen eventually after certain years. each recession happen for about a year of two and afterward the stocks will boom. it is a cycle. after the recession, business will grow again. so the best time to buy the stocks is during the lowest trough.

so i predict that the next recession will happen in 2019 during which the fuel price will go really up, very high because the sources are depleting. malaysia will be a net importer of oil and gas. inflation would be high as the prices of food and other things will increase due to high fuel cost. so business will slow down because people are saving for other important stuff. people prefer to stay and eat at home and thus restaurant will be empty.

hopefully by then the first nuclear in malaysia is ready to be commissioned so that we will not be scrambling for gas, LNG, coal or oil to generate electricity in our homes.

right here right now, i don't think that is happening, restaurant are still packed with crowds. that is why the government still denies that malaysia has yet been effected by the recession.

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