Friday, September 05, 2008

Hidden Salary of Mine

i have never thought about this until one day a friend make a remark..

"you never got a scholarship from this company, right?"

"emm, what do you mean?"

"i mean that this company only lend you money for you to go oversea and now you have to repay them back by working with them, you don't think so?"

"damn, now i am beginning to think so too"

"yeah, how much do you owe them?"

"well, they sort of gave me the bill after i got back here"

"oh yeah, how much?"

"hmm.. let me see, yeah right here, they said i owe them RM 777,897.89"

"wow that's a lot! you have to pay them anything?"

"no, as long as i worked for them for seven years"

"so meaning that you have to pay them RM 111,128.30 a year, which translates to about RM 9,620 a month for 7 years"

"well, it seems so"

"so i guess your real salary is about RM 11,500, only that you do not get to see the nine thousand plus, kind of a lot for a fresh grad like you, you don't think so?"

"well, damn you for making me feel lucky working with this company.. BWAHAHA!"

"you should be thankful, hehe"

"i should, anyway it's ramadan, good to have this reflection"

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D Z said...
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