Monday, February 19, 2007

Monday holiday

Whenever a Monday is a holiday i often confused myself with having to think the Monday as Sunday and then the Tuesday as Monday. it gets really confusing when the classes are all following the Monday schedule on the Tuesday. it may be because normally students don't have class or rather less class than on Monday. well, tomorrow i shall not forget that it is actually a Tuesday or i may end up missing coming from work.

now i now how it feel when we are asked to design something. there a lots of things we don't know and have to guess, assume, approximate and such. it makes everyone in the class uncomfortable since we don't really have the numbers needed to design the thing we are suppose to design. they may be lots of way to design so no one correct answer is approached. with people thinking differently, we get lots of solutions for a given problem. this is really a smart way to learn, i wonder why we were not exposed to this kind of thing during our high schools so that the schools will generate more creativity from the students.

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