Thursday, March 27, 2008

How do I score my SPM?

Hi. Now I am trying to share something useful to those who are seeking. Might be useful if you too can score SPM. I scored 9A1. Straight As since I only took 9 subjects.

I dont go tuition. and I am no genius. I dont really learn that fast. But I did understand what I learnt over times.

How do i score?
Few months before the exam I start buying all these practice books with answers in the back. So I did everyone of the so called forecasted questions and checked each answers. So i learnt from mistakes. I also did past years SPM papers. All of them and looked at the answers and analyzed all the answers given.

So? Thats all i did. Did many questions, looked and checked all the answers. And learnt how to answer the questions. So i believe this is what they basically do in tuition. thus, dont waste your time, your parents money and do it yourself. You can do it !

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