Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Screw Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim

from the moment he suggested the use of IMF during the economic downturn of 1998 i just don't trust him and i wonder why there are people who support him even though he is clearly trying to get the influence of the west namely USA into Malaysia.

can you imagine if malaysia were to listen to Anwar in 98 or if Mahathir did not sack him and put him into the jail.. we might be worse today. but to really think about it if anwar had not been sacked, he might become the current prime minister of malaysia instead of pak lah. the Mr clean pak lah who is no more viewed as mr clean but rather something else which is related to some form of doziness.

screw anwar when he said he can lower the price of oil.. for how long? but pak lah decision to cut off the subsidy in the abrupt manner is just as bad, when could do it slowly when he already gave some hint that the price will go up by august. he could do it slowly not knee jerk kind of way because people prefer to adapt but slowly. we the rakyat are willing to change our way of life but not in abrupt manner. come on, everything needs time to adjust.

then we might as well screw pak lah and his team.

but again screw anwar who is trying to seek sympathy from the foreigners. he wanted to go here and there storytelling about his pathetic life to all the foreigners. so that one day if we really got into power he can repay them at the expense of the Malaysian? do we need more foreigners in our country? no, hell no. they should let us be who we are not following their middle fingers.

then also screw mahathir who let the IPP reap all the benefits from the agreement that they signed in 1990s. additionally they make TNB suffer when TNB mission is to serve the rakyat. screw mahathir for letting TNB and the rakyat be the victim. for letting go Tan Sri Ani when he refused to sign the PPA. screw the next CEO who comply to signing the PPA. they are the ones who are responsible for the increase in tariff and the high reserve margin in the country at the 'expense of the rakyat's subsidy.

thus screw anwar, then pak lah, and then mahathir.

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